Fullpwn - Apolo
In the lawless expanse of the Frontier Cluster, Apolo serves as a beacon of security, working to safeguard the Frontier Cluster’s assets from bounty hunters.
port scan showing two active port, 22 and 80.
Using curl, i managed to obtain server name, which is apolo.htb
Web Application
i add the domain name into /etc/hosts
and starting to enumerate the web pages
In one of the link, i found a subdomain ai.apolo.htb
FlowiseAI Exploit
I add the subdomain into /etc/hosts
and starting to access the site. It seems like it use FlowiseAI
It seems that FlowiseAI
have authentication bypass vulnerability.
using the technique mentioned on the exploitdb, i managed to bypsas authentication and obtain credentials id.
The id can be used to read the value of mongodb creds.
There’s pair of credentials there, which is lewis:C0mpl3xi3Ty!_W1n3
The credentials can be used to logged in using ssh.
Flag: HTB{llm_ex9l01t_4_RC3}
Our current user have permission to run rclone
as root using sudo.
Unfortunately, rclone
is not listed in GTFOBins site
Then i try to check for it’s docouomentation, and found that it have cat
options that can be used to read files.
I can easily read root flag using following command.
Flag: HTB{cl0n3_rc3_f1l3}