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[HTB CTF University 2024] - Clouded

Hack The Box University CTF - Clouded Writeup

Fullpwn - Clouded

In the lawless expanse of the Frontier Cluster, Clouded emerges as a beacon of efficiency and security for file sharing. Breakthrough their cloud servers to obtain the secrets to finding the Starry Spur. Allow up to 1 minute for all the services to properly boot.



Upon scanning the ports, we found that port 22 and 80 are open.

when try to access the port 80, it was redirected into clouded.htb. We try to enumerate subdomain using ffuf command below, and found other subdomain named local.clouded.htb

we add those two hostnames into /etc/hosts.

Web application

The web page have several page, but the intersting one is Upload page. It allows user to upload several type of content.

If we try to upload any content, it will return uploaded file location from local.clouded.htb subdomain.

Cloud instances

Using curl, i was able to identify that the site was hosted using aws, probably an s3 bucket

I try to use aws-cli to enumerate the instances further, however i got permission denied

i then try to enumerate further, started with directory enumration. I found that the application accept urlencoded form of ?.

and after playing with other character, i noticed that the site also vulnerable to directory traversal, which allow me to bypass the restriction and access the bucket.

it have file named backup.db which can be downloaded directly using link below http://local.clouded.htb/uploads/..%2F/clouded-internal/backup.db

the backup contains a lot of name and password in md5 format.

SSH Bruteforce

i managed to crack all the password and proceeding to create wordlists based on available information.

i’ve tried multiple username combination based on username-anarchy. but in the end, the pair was simple. It was lastname:password.

I managed to obtain correct credentials, which was nagato:alicia

flag was located in /home/nagato/flag.txt


After obtaining low privilege user, i try to enumerate further. Aparently, nagato is part of frontiers group, which have access for /opt/infra-setup.

It containing yml script, potentially used for healthcheck.

If we try to monitor any process using pspy, then we can see that root user are running ansible using yml file mentioned before.

ansible-playbook rce

Using script from 0xdf, we can gain command execution using following yml code. Note that i made modification because i was lazy to setup reverse shell in my windows machine lol.

- hosts: localhost
  - name: rev
    shell: bash -c 'chmod u+s /bin/bash'

since we dont have write permission into checkup.yml, we can’t modify the file directly. However since we have write permission on the directory itself, we can delete or rename the file into something else. This way, we can create new file with name of checkup.yml and inject the malicious script.

After waiting for a while, the /bin/bash permission was modified into a SUID binary. Now we can obtain root shell by executing /bin/bash -p

root flag obtained!

Flag: HTB{H@ZY_71ME5_AH3AD}

Last updated on Dec 18, 2024 16:40 UTC